Tuesday, 31 January 2012


One of the conditions in the bail (498A) states you need to visit police station once in a month..

As per my limited law knowledge and reading , I think Police part is over once chargesheet is filed.

Do we still need to attend police station even after chargesheet is filed ??

It is imperative that this condition is not there when you regularize your bail.

Friday, 27 January 2012

Kala Bhairav

Yam Yam Yam Yaksha Roopam Dash Dishi Viditam Bhoomi Kampaayamaanam.
Sam Sam Samhaar Moortim Shira Mukuta Jataa Shekharam Chandra Bimbam.
Dam Dam Deergha Kaayam Vikrita Nakha Mukham Jordhvaromam Karaalam.
Pam Pam Pam Paap Naasham Prannmat Satatam Bheiravam Shetrapaalam.

RaM RaM RaM rakta varnam, katikatitatanum Teekshna Danstra Karalam!
Gham Gham Gham Ghosha Ghosham GHa GHa Gha Gha Ghatitam GHarghaaram Ghoora naadham!
Kam Kam Kam Kaala Paasam Dhruka Dhruka Dhri kritam Jwalitam Kaamadeham!
Tam Tam Tam divya Deham, PraNA MATAM satatam, BHAIRAVAM KSHETRA PAALAM!!!

Lam Lam Lam Lam Vadantam la la la la Lalitam Dheergha Jehvaah Karalam!
Dhoom Dhoom Dhoom Dhoomra Varnam Spoota vekata mukham Bhaskaram Bheemaroopam,
Rum Rum Rum Roondamalam, ravitanum neyatam tamra netram karalam!
Nam Nam Nam NagnaBhoosham , PraNA MATAM satatam, BHAIRAVAM KSHETRA PAALAM!!!

Vam Vam vaayuvegam natajana sadayam Brahma saaram param tam
Kham Kham khadga hastam tribhuvana vilayam bhaskaram bheema roopam
Cham Cham chalitva chala chala chalita chaalitam bhoomi chakram
Mam Mam maayi roopam pranamata satatam bhairavam kshetra paalam
Sham Sham Sham Shankha Hastam, Sasi kara dhavalam, Mooksha Sampoorna Tejam!
Mam Mam Mam Mam Mahantam, Kula macula kulam Mantra Guptam Sunityam!
Yam Yam Yam Bhootanadham, Kili Kili Kalitam Baalakeli Pradhanam,
Aam Aam Aam Aantariksham , PraNA MATAM satatam, BHAIRAVAM KSHETRA PAALAM!!!

Kham Kham Kham Khadga Bhedam, Visha Mamruta Mayam Kaala Kaalam Karalam!
Ksham Ksham Ksham Kshepra Vegam, Daha Daha Dhanam, Tapta Sandeepya Maanam,
Houm Houm HoumKaara Nadam, Prakatita Gahanam Garjitai Bhoomi Kampam,
Vam Vam Vam Vaala Leelam, PraNA MATAM satatam, BHAIRAVAM KSHETRA PAALAM!!!

Sam Sam Sam Siddhi Yogam, Sakala guna makham, Deva Devam Prasannam,
Pam Pam Pam Padmanabham, HariHara Mayam,Chandra SuryaAgni Netram,
Aim Aim AIshwarya nadham, Sata ta bhaya haram,Poorvadeva Swaroopam,
Roum Roum Roum Roudra Roopam, PraNA MATAM satatam, BHAIRAVAM KSHETRA PAALAM!!!

Ham Ham Ham Hamsayaanam, Hapitakala Hakam, MuktaYogaatta haasam,
Dham Dham Dham Netra roopam, Seramukuta Jatabandha BandhAagra Hastam!
Tam Tam Taankaa nadham, Trida salata la tam, Kaama Garvaapa Haram,
Bhrum Bhrum Bhrum BHootanadham, PraNA MATAM satatam, BHAIRAVAM KSHETRA PAALAM!!!
shiva yoga kalbhairav shloka yam yaksha roopam sanskrit telugu hindu india magadheera
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KalBhairav Namaskar

कालभैरव - भगवान् शंकर के पूर्णावतार

देवराजसेव्यमानपावनाङ्घ्रिपङ्कजं व्यालयज्ञसूत्रमिन्दूशेखरं कृपाकरम् ।
नारदादियोगिवृन्दवन्दितं दिगम्बरं काशिकापुराधिनाथ-काल-भैरवं भजे ।।

देवराज इन्द्र जिनके पावन चरण-कमलों की भक्ति-पूर्वक निरन्तर सेवा करते हैं, जिनके व्याल-रुपी विकराल यज्ञ-सूत्र धारण करने वाले हैं, जिनके ललाट पर चन्द्रमा शोभायमान है, जो दिगम्बर-स्वरुप-धारी हैं, कृपा की मूर्ति हैं, नारदादि सिद्ध योगि-वृन्द जिनकी सेवा में लगे रहते हैं, उन काशी-पुरी के अभिरक्षक स्वामी कालभैरव की मैं चरण-वन्दना करता हूँ

भानुकोटिभास्वरं भवाब्धितारकं परं नीलकण्ठमीप्सितार्थदायकं त्रिलोचनम् ।
कालकालमम्बुजाक्षशूलमक्षरं काशिकापुराधिनाथ-काल-भैरवं भजे ।।

जो करोड़ों सूर्य के समान दीप्तिमान् हैं, जो भयावह भवसागर पार कराने वाले परम समर्थ प्रभु हैं, जो नीले कण्ठ वाले, अभीष्ट वस्तु को देने वाले और तीन नेत्रों वाले हैं, जो काल के भी काल, कमल के समान सुन्दर नयनों वाले, अक्षमाला और त्रिशूल धारण करने वाले अक्षर-पुरुष हैं, उन काशी-पुरी के अभिरक्षक स्वामी कालभैरव की मैं चरण-वन्दना करता हूँ ।

मार्गशीर्ष कृष्ण पक्ष की अष्टमी के दिन मध्याह्न-काल में भगवान् काल-भैरव का अवतरण हुआ था । अतः इस दिन भैरव-जयंती मनाई जाएगी। इस दिन श्रद्धालु व्रत रखते हैं।इस दिन प्रत्येक प्रहर में काल भैरव और ईशान नाम के शिव की पूजा और अर्घ्य देने का विधान है । आधी रात के बाद काल भैरव की पूजा-अर्चना की जाती है। इसके बाद पूरी रात का जागरण किया जाता है।मान्यता है कि भगवान भैरव का वाहन कुत्ता है । इसलिए इस दिन कुत्ते (विशेषतया काले रंग का) की भी पूजा की जाती है ।इस व्रत की कथा का उल्लेख शिव पुराण में विस्तार से आया है। भैरव भगवान शिव के दूसरे रूप में माने गए हैं। मान्यता है कि इसी दिन दोपहर के समय शिव के प्रिय गण भैरवनाथ का जन्म हुआ था। कहा जाता है कि भैरव से काल भी भयभीत रहता है, इसलिए उन्हें कालभैरव भी कहते हैं। देश में भैरव जी के कई मंदिर हैं, जिनमें काशी स्थित कालभैरव मंदिर काफी प्रसिद्ध है।
भगवान भैरव पर दूध चढ़ाया जाता है, लेकिन किलकारी भैरव के विषय में मान्यता है कि वह शराब चढ़ाने पर प्रसन्न होते हैं। उज्जैन स्थित काल-भैरव मंदिर में श्रद्धालु भैरव जी को मदिरा अर्पित करते हैं। ऐसा मानते हैं कि यह व्रत गणेश, विष्णु, यम, चंद्रमा, कुबेर आदि ने भी किया था और इसी व्रत के प्रभाव से भगवान विष्णु लक्ष्मीपति बने, अप्सराओं को सौभाग्य मिला और कई राजा चक्रवर्ती बने। यह सभी कामनाओं की पूर्ति करने वाला व्रत कहा गया है।
भैरव जी के उपवास के लिए अष्टमी या चतुर्दशी युक्त रविवार और मंगलवार ग्राह्य माने गए हैं। ऐसी मान्यता है कि अष्टमी के दिन स्नान के बाद पितरों का श्राद्ध और तर्पण करने के बाद यदि कालभैरव की पूजा की जाए तो उपासक के साल भर के सारे विघ्न टल जाते हैं। मान्यता यह भी है कि महाकाल भैरव मंदिर में चढ़ाए गए काले धागे को गले या बाजू में बांधने से भूत-प्रेत और जादू-टोने का असर नहीं होता है।शिव-पुराण, शतरुद्र-संहिता, अध्याय ८ के अनुसार भगवान शंकर ने इसी अष्टमी को ब्रह्मा के अहंकार को नष्ट किया था, इसलिए यह दिन ‘भैरव-अष्टमी’ व्रत के रूप में मनाया जाने लगा।वाराणसी-पुरी की अष्ट दिशाओं में स्थापित अष्ट-भैरवों – रुरुभैरव, चण्डभैरव, असितांगभैरव, कपालभैरव, क्रोधभैरव, उन्मत्तभैरव तथा संहारभैरव का दर्शन-आराधन अभीष्ट फलप्रद है । रोली, सिन्दूर, रक्तचन्दन का चूर्ण, लाल फूल, गुड़, उड़द का बड़ा, धान का लावा, ईख का रस, तिल का तेल, लोहबान, लाल वस्त्र, भुना केला, सरसों का तेल – ये भैरवजी की प्रिय वस्तुएँ हैं ।प्रतिदिन भैरवजी की आठ बार प्रदक्षिणा करने से मनुष्यों के सर्वविध पाप विनष्ट हो जाते हैं ।

For Allaying Fear Of Foes, Accidents And Death

The name Bheirav is enough to invoke fear in an individual but the Lord is fearsome not for his Sadhak but for his enemies. For the Sadhak he is very kind and protects him always. Just as we have bodyguards who look fearsome and awe inspiring with their guns and other weapons, similarly Bheirav is a deity who wields awesome powers and protects one from dangers. We need not be afraid of our bodyguards, similarly a Sadhak should have no fear of the Lord. This Sadhana is very easy and simple, which any person, be it a man or a woman can try. Kaal Bheirav temple is there in the holy city of Ujjain and it is known as the temple of miracles. Many truly remarkable Tantra experiences are related to this shrine.

Benefits of this Kal Bhairav Sadhana

The Tantra texts describe it to be the best Sadhana for putting an end to enmities and rendering the foes unhostile.
If you fear your life because of some enemy or you fear that the enemy could harm your family or children then this Sadhana provides a divine shield against all attacks. The enemy loses his hostile attitude and stops giving trouble.
If you have fear of death, accident, fire, weapons or unnatural death then this Kaal Bheirav Sadhana is the best remedy. It can prevent even death.
Even women can try it for their own and their husbands' and children's safety.
The Kal Bhairav Sadhana

The night of Kaalaashtmi is the time for conquering even death. This is a very auspicious time that combines the blessings of both Lord Bheirav and Goddess Kaali. Start this Sadhana from eighth day of any fortnight of any Indian month.

For this wear a red or yellow Dhoti/Saree. Then sit on a red mat facing South. Before yourself place a steel plate and in it write || om bham bhairvay namah||

with vermilion (Kumkum). In the centre of the plate place the Siddha Kaal Bheirav Yantra and Mahaa-Mrityunjay Gutikaa. Also keep some iron nails ready. For example if there are seven members in your family then seven nails should be enough. Wrap the holy red thread (Mouli) around each iron nail. Keep chanting

Om Bham Bheiravaay Namah
while you do so. Then offer the nails one at a time on the Yantra each time speaking out the name of a family member. This ritual is for procuring divine protection for each family member. In this Sadhana the Stotra Mantra of Lord Bheirav is chanted. Chant the following Mantra 108 times.

Yam Yam Yam Yaksha Roopam Dash Dishi
Viditam Bhoomi Kampaayamaanam.

Sam Sam Sam Sanhaar Moortim Shir Mukut

Jataa Shekharam Chandra Bimbam.

Dam Dam Dam Deergha Kaayam Vikrit Nakh

Mukham Oordhvaroyam Karaalam.

Pam Pam Pam Paap Naasham Prannmat

Satatam Bheiravam Shetrapaalam.

Next take some black mustard seeds (Kaali Sarson) in your right fist and chant the following Mantra 11 times. Then move your hand three times around your head and wrap the seeds in a paper.

Om Kaal Bheirav, Shamshaan Bheirav, Kaal Roop Kaal Bheirav ! Mero Beiri Tero Aahaar Re.
Kaadi Karejaa Chakhan Karo Kat Kat.

Om Kaal Bheirav, Batuk Bheirav, Bhoot Bheirav, Mahaa Bheirav, Mahaa Bhaya Vinaashanam Devataa.

Sarva Siddhirbhavet.

Next chant the following Mantra for one hour.

Kaal Bheirav Mantra :

Om Bheiravaay Vam Vam Vam Hraam Shrom Namah.
This is only a single day Sadhana. After the chanting is over take the nails, the seeds, the Yantra and Gutika and go and throw them at some crossroad.

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Mantra for wealth

Mantras for Wealth

One letter 'BeejMantra'


Four letters 'Lakshmi Beej Mantra'

Em shreem hweem kleem!!

Ten letters 'Lakshmi Mantra'

Om namah kamalvaasinyaye swaahaa!!

Eleven letters 'Siddhalakshmi Mantra'

Om hweem shreem kleem shree siddhlakshamaye namah!!

Twelve letters 'Mahalakshmi Mantra'

Em hweem shreem kleem saum jagatprasootyaye namah!!

Twenty three letters 'Mahalakshmi Mantra'

Om shreem hweem kleem shree laksmiraagachaagccha mum mandire tishtha tishtha swaahaa!!

Twenty seven letters 'Mahalakshmi Mantra'

Om shreem hweem shreem kamale kmalaalaye praseed praseed shreem hweem shreem mahalakshamyaye namah!!

Buy Mahalakshmi Yantra (for Wealth & Prosperity)

Jyeshtha Lakshmi Mahamantra

Om em hweem shreem jyeshthalakhmi swayambhuve hweem jyeshthayaye namah!!

Vasudha Lakhmi Mantra

Om glaum shreem annam madyannam mae dehadyannadhipataye mamaanam pradapay swaaha shreem glaum om!!

Aadya Mahalakshmi Mantra

Om shreem hweem em mahaalakshmayaye kamaldhaarinyaye singhvaahinyaye swaaha!!

Lakshmi Gayatri Mantra

Om mahadevyaye ch vidyahe vishnupatnaye ch dheemahi tanno lakshmiah prachodyaat!!

Kuber Mantra

Om yakchaaye kuberaay vaishravanaay dhanadhaanyadipataye dhandhaanyasamraddheem mae dehi daapay svaaha!!

Lakshmi Vinaaykmantram

Om shreem gam saumyaay ganpatye varvarad sarvjanam mae vashmaanay svaaha!!

Lakshminaaraayana Mantra

Om hweem hweem shreem shreem lakshmivaasudevaay namah!

Swarnakarshan Bhairav Mantra

Em hweem shreem em shreem aapdudharnaay hwaam hweem hwoom ajaamalbaddhaay lokeshvaraay swarnakarshanbhairavaay mum daaridrayvidveshnaay mahaabahiravaay namah shreem hweem em!!

Become wealthy by the remedies of LAL KITAB

As it is already known that remedies of Lal Kitab are fructifying very soon. If remedy is done in a same manner as it is described in Lal Kitab, blessings from Lakshmiji and economic prosperity is assured. 

Here are some remedies from Lal Kitab:

1. If you are not getting enough money according to your hard work: you should follow it. From the day of Dipawali drop a coconut (श्री फल) in flowing water daily for 44 days and write Goddess Lakshmi's Beej Mantra 'श्री' on it before dropping it.

2. If you are facing any financial obstacle due to any home defect: Flow a square piece of copper for 40 days in flowing water. 

3. Even after putting hard efforts having continuous loss in business, there is no marked increase in income: On the day of Dipawali take seven betel nuts and cover it with silver foil and keep it on the place of Lakshmi poojan. Thereafter, on seven Mondays wrap them up again with silver foil. On the eighth Monday, collect all the betel nuts from the place of worship and offer them in a temple of Lord Vishnu.

4. If you are in such a business in which credit is allowed in abundance and due to this you are having loss in business: On the first Saturday of any month, burry the black surma (eye powder) at any deserted place.

5. Even after earning enough money your works are stopped due to shortage of money: On the first Saturday of Shukla Paksha start distributing Poori and Sabji (fried bread and vegetable) for 11 Saturdays.

6. If you are not earning desired money from your business or service: On Wednesday, take an empty pitcher and flow it in the water, for six Wednesdays.

7. If your work-business is still not established or you are not earning regularly: At the time of sleeping, put an iron pot filled with water and keep it at the head side of the bed and in the morning, through it out of your house.

8. If you are facing difficulties in your business or service due to government orders: On every Sunday prepare roties (bread) of one and quarter kilograms of wheat flour and fed them to cows.

9. If you are not satisfied from your work and feeling of disconcerted is coming into your mind frequently: Eat little bit jaggery before leaving the house for work-business.

10. If you are unable to stabilize income; savings and paternal property is going perish: Under the bed where you sleeps, must keep any object of iron and on the night of Saturday keep an iron pot filled with water under your bed, after waking up next day morning put it into the root of Bodhi Tree. Repeat this remedy for 40 days.

11. In order to get Laksmi, this remedy is surefire and if you are able to do it with discipline for three month, you will surely get unexpected money: Follow this remedy for 40 days starting from the day of Dipawali or any Friday of Shukla Paksha. At evening, visit the nearest temple of Mahalakshmi, Durgaji, Seetaji or any Goddess barefoot; light the lamp of pure ghee and offer the garland and the prasaad of sweets or kheer (milk and rice feast). Afterwords, pray to get money quietly and pray for other wishes.

Lal Kitab

dentifying The Inauspicious planets & Lal Kitab Remedies

Lal Kitab explains characteristics and some unique traits of each planet which helps in predictive astrology. These identities of planets are described on the basis of analyzing their behavior, nature, works, position and relations with other planets, and the circumstances. Lal Kitab also points out the effects of auspicious and inauspicious Planets on life without casting the birth chart. Those natives who don’t know their actual birth details like DOB, POB/TOB, for them this method is very useful to know the prediction and solve problems related to any area of life by suggested remedies of the system.

This system is useful at the time when a Planet in a kundli is exalted and strong but it is unable to cast auspicious results. For example Jupiter is posited in Ninth House, but the native is disrespectful to his father, gurus, and saints and is an atheist he does not even hesitate to cut the Peepal tree. In this situation, When person does all nasty things The auspicious effects of Jupiter Planet gets nullified and inauspicious effects of Jupiter could be experienced in the form of – hair fall at center place of plait of the head, addiction of wearing rosaries in neck, hindrances in the education, theft of the gold, selling or lost and bad name etc. All these situations indicate the beginning of inauspiciousness of Jupiter. If one faces any one of such situations, applying of Tilak of turmeric or saffron paste on forehead or on the naval for consecutive 41 days will be beneficial and one starts getting the positive results. This remedy will enhance Jupitarian traits in the person. Besides these, honesty the work, respect of teachers and father is also a remedy in itself. 

The weak Sun in kundli causes stiffness or looseness in the body, pain in movement, formation of excessive saliva in the mouth and unexpected problems created by government department. The best remedy to enhance the weak Sun is – consume some sweets and drink some water before you go for work.

The weak Moon in the kundli causes – loss or death of horse or milk giving animals in the house. The bad effect of mother’s health, heart diseases etc are also caused by weak Moon. The best remedy to enhance your weak moon, take blessings of your mother or mother like woman by touching her feet or serving her. 

The weak Venus in the Kundli causes pain or deformity in the thumb without any reason or Injury in it. Beside this, skin disease, itching etc are also signs of weak Venus. To enhance Venus, one should wear neat clothes and groom himself / herself to look good. Venus affected person should avoid dirty & torn and clothes.

Weak Mars signifies death of newly born baby in the family, injury in the eyes, irregularity in blood and pain in the joints. Difference of opinions and spoiled relations with the brothers are also caused by inauspicious Mars. As you realize these symptoms are dominating on you, start using white eye liner in the eyes to cast of the malefic effects of Mars.

The effect of weak Mercury is reflected in his deeds. If Mercury is inauspicious in kundli one’s hearing organs, teeth and speech are affected. Teeth start having medical problems before the age, disability to sense any good or bad smell in the environment, stammering, spoiled relation with the friends and diseases of nervous system etc are indications of weak and inauspicious Mercury. As a remedy piercing the nose is auspicious.

Weak Saturn indicates fall or cracks in one part of the house or the building collapse during the construction, death of black Buffalo, hair fall especially hair in the eyebrows, and closing of home/ residence/ factory / workplace etc. To cast of the malefic effects of Saturn use of datoon made of keekar or Babool tree is an effective remedy.

The week Rahu indicates unexpected problems like sudden accidents, injuries, phobias and mental diseases etc. Keep plait on the head, and maintain good relations with in- laws are auspicious to cast of negative effects caused by Rahu.

Inauspicious Ketu causes fall of nails in the foot or nails go deep into the skin, urinal diseases, back bone and joint pain, problems from the children especially with the son etc. All these are domain of Ketu. Beside this, constant injuries in the feet or failure in accomplishing the work in spite of the hard efforts also signify inauspicious Ketu. The best remedy is piercing of ears. This should be kept at least for 96 hours. This is a tested and proven remedy which has been experienced personally.

The remedies suggested by Lal Kitab are very effective and solve the related problems quickly. In Vedic astrology remedies are suggested after analyzing the planetary configuration in the birth chart which are are also effective and accurate. To understand the remedies of Lal Kitab and to know how to use them, one must have proper knowledge of the planets and their karkatawas. 

Astrology in Lal Kitab says that planets change their karkatwas in different rashis which is against the Vedic astrology. Quick remedies of Lal Kitab are very helpful and should be performed in the situation when inauspiciousness of the planets is clearly seen and indicated. And yes, when one has the doubt in the correctness and authenticity of the birth chart.


Unfailing Methods To Cast Off The Malefic Effects Of Planets (Part - 1)

The Position of planets in the kundali (Birth Chart) at the time of birth decides the destiny of the person and keeps influencing them for entire life. The transit of planets is further responsible to give good and bad results in life. Some planets in the kundali are in good position hence they are strong and cast auspicious effects, while some planets are weak hence become malefic and inauspicious. They give sufferings to the native.Every one wants to lead a peaceful life, in order to calm down these ects of planets we perform several methods which include donation, chanting of mantras, various worships and totkas. Let us see, what methods one must apply to appease these malefic planets -

Totkas to Ward off the Malefic Effects of Sun

1. If Sun is weak in one’s Kundali, to strengthen it one must put off fire with milk on which the meal for the night is cooked. Milk should be sprinkled on the flames of cooking gas. Every morning one must drink water after consuming some jaggery (gud) or sweet.

2. Keep some sweet made of jaggery under a peepal tree on Sunday night. One may get rid of negative effects cast by the malefic Sun forever.

3. Donate wheat, Jaggery and Copper and immerse a copper coin in the flowing water.

To Cast off the Malefic Effects of Moon

1. To cast off the negative effects of malefic Moon, keep some milk or milk mixed with water in a white metal vessel like silver or steel, besides your head on Sunday nights. Next day on Monday morning, pour that milk in the roots of a Peepal or Keekar tree without uttering a word. 

2. Grains of rice, Silver or natural water should always be kept either in pocket or in purse. 

3. Immerse a silver metal in flowing water and donate green color cloth to unmarried, virgin girl.

4. One must not consume milk in the might rather donate the milk.

5. Donate milk in Bhairav temple. Fetch some water from cemetery and keep it at home.

Methods to Cast off the Malefic Effects of Mars

1. Immerse copper coins in flowing water.

2. Donate red masoor dal and mrigehal.

3. Worship Lord Hanuman.

4. Chant Hanuman Chalisa and distributes prasadam in the temple. 

5. Wrap a red color or sindoori color cloth around a peepal tree after pooja on Tuesday and offer jaggery as prasadm.

6. Feed Monkeys with gud (jaggery) channa on Tuesday. 

Totkas to Cast off the Malefic Effects of Mercury

1. Burn Kodies in fire and its ash should be immersed in flowing water to cast off the malefic effects of Mercury.

2. A copper coin which has hole in it should be immersed in water.

3. Wear emerald in ring.

4. Chant Durga Chalisa. 

5. Donate for auspicious work in the temples

6. Donation of a goat is also auspicious.

Totkas to Cast off the Malefic Effects of Jupiter

1. Water a Peepal tree and nurture it to cast off the malefic effects of Jupiter.

2. Donate channa dal(gram dal), Turmeric, Gold, Saffron and yellow items in a temple.

3. Tie 12 almonds in yellow cloth and keep it in a box made of iron. Keep this box with you entire life and never open it.

4. Feed the cows with green grass on Thursday and touch your elder’s feet with faith and devotion. 

Unfailing Methods To Cast Off The Malefic Effects Of Planets Part-2

Totkas to Cast off the Malefic Effects of Venus

1. Feed the cows with green grass and Jawar to cast off the malefic effects of Venus.

2. Donate a cow.

3. Donate to Poor.

4. Help the widows and serve them.

5. Keep some cooked rice in a pot and leave it under a peepal tree after sunset on Friday.

6. To cast off the malefic effects, throw copper coin and white flower in flowing water. This totka should be performed consecutive for 43 days along with Goddess Laxmi Poojan everyday.

Totkas to Cast off the Malefic Effects of Saturn

1. If Saturn is casting inauspicious results due to Saturn Sadesati or Saturn dhaiyya in that case, some part of your food should be given to cows.

2. A coconut (Water) should be immersed in water.

3. Donate mustard oil or black sesame seed oil to appease Lord Saturn. 

Some of other remedies could also be done which are like these

(i) Avoid Non Vegetarian food and liquor. 

(ii) Bury black kajal in a deserted place.

(iii) Pour milk in the roots of banyan tree and put yellow mud tilak on the tree. One will be relieved from the hindrances troubling in education and health problems.

(iv)Tame the monkeys and serve them. One will be blessed with wealth.

(v) Donate, cooking gas, and iron items like chimata & Tawa.

(vi) Hoist a white flag on banyan tree.

(vii) Feed the snakes with milk.

(viii) Repent of your mistakes by going barefoot to the temple.

(ix) Do not have a black two colored buffalo.

(x) Never apply oil on forehead rather put tilak of milk or curd.

(xi) Always keep a dog at home. It casts off the malefic effects of Rahu & Ketu.

(xii) Distribute or donate eye medicine.

(xiii) Make a store house at the end of residence. It is good for wealth.

(xiv) All the worships & remedies to cast off the malefic effects should be performed in night of Krishna Paksha.

(xv) One is blessed with a child if he/she serves snakes.

(xvi) Immerse coconut and almond in water.

(xvii) Pet a black dog, serve him.

(xviii) The entrance door of the house should be kept clean and it should be worshipped everyday.

(xix) Avoid extramarital affair, lust and maintain self control.

(xx) Don’t take bath, sitting on the floor. Always keep a square silver piece with you.

(xxi) If Moon is auspicious, immerse 800gm urad mixing it with mustard oil in water on Wednesday or Saturday. If Moon is not auspicious in that case immerse 800gm milk on Monday before immersing Urad in the water.

(xxii) The food cooked on Saturday morning should be should be offered to Peepal tree. Keep the food on a leaf (pattal). Put some Black sesame seeds on it and worship peepal tree, offer navivadya (Sweet as prasadam) to the tree. Then feed this food to black cow or black dog.


To Cast off the Malefic Effects of Rahu

1. If Rahu is inauspicious in the Kundali, immerse black coal in flowing water.

2. Keep Some Barley besides your head while sleeping and next morning throw them for the birds to eat.

3. Donate red masoor dal or some coins early in the morning to a sweeper.

4. Immerse a coconut in fast flowing water of a river.

5. Fill a dry coconut with (Sugar and desi ghee) and keep it under the Peepal tree in a pit, so that ants can eat this.

6. Donate blue sapphire or mustard to sweeper who does the cleaning work.

7. Immerse a coin in the river.

Totkas to Cast off the Malefic Effects of Ketu

1. Ketu has been called dog and a son in Lal Kitab.

2. Feed the dogs with bread.

3. Donate sesame seeds.

4. If brother in law (Wife’s brother) is disobedient and misbehave with you some donation should be done in the temple.

5. Donate blankets in temple if your legs have pain or diseased. Wear a silver ring in silken thread, if you have any urinal problems.

6. Worship Lord Ganesha.

7. If your child / Son is under some trouble feed a black dog for 43 days.

8. A dog should be fed with chapatti to cast off the malefic effects of Ketu.

9. Donate a two colored blanket to poor.

10. A Triangle flag in two colors should be hoisted on a Peepal tree. 

You can cast off the malefic effects of planets by applying these remedies / totka and could be completely free yourself. Totkas, mentioned above should be adopted and performed on regular basis, you will find that slowly slowly the problems are solving down on their own. Earlier, you were tensed up, due to the various hurdles and problems, now the situation is different for the good. Do, apply these totkas, you will find the difference.